Meaning of the above mantra
Together may be be protected: Together may we be nourished ;Together may we work with great energy ;May our journey together be brilliant and effective ;May there be no bad feelings between us ;Peace, peace, peace
Gayatri mantra (for meditation)
Meaning of the above mantra
Let us meditate on the splendour of the God Savitru (Sun), who will illuminate our understanding
Prayer for enlightment
Meaning of the above mantra
Lead us from darkness to light
From ignorance to truth
And from death to eternity
Let peace prevail everywhere
Shanthi Mantras
The Shanti Mantras are prayers for peace, in the Hindu Mythology. Shanti Mantras are also known as "Peace Mantras". Shanti Mantras form the part of Upanishads. These mantras are believed to cool the mind of reciter and the surroundings. Reciting these mantras at the beginning of any task is considered to remove its obstacles.
Shanti Mantras always end with three words of "Shanti" which suggests "Peace". The reason behind speaking three times "Shanti" is to cool the surroundings and remove obstacles in three realms namely; "Physical" or Adhi-Bhautika, "Devine" or Adhi-Daivika and "Internal" or Adhyaatmika. These are called "Tapa-Traya" or three classes of troubles. When Shanti Mantras are recited, obstacles from these realms are believed to be pacified. Various Shanti Mantras from different Upanishads are as follows:
"Om Poornamadah Poornamidam Poornat Poornamudachyate,
Poornasya Poornamaadaya Poornamevavashishyate,:Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih"
Meaning: The literal meaning of this mantra is: "That is Absolute, This is Absolute, Absolute arises out of Absolute, If Absolute is taken away from Absolute, Absolute remains OM Peace, Peace, Peace".
"Om Asato Maa Sadgamaya,:Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya,:Mrityor Maa Amritam Gamaya, :Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih"
Meaning: The accurate sense of this mantra is: "OM lead me from unreal to real, lead me from darkness to light, lead me from death to immortality OM Peace, Peace, Peace".
"Om Sham No Mitra Sham Varunah Sham No Bhavatvaryamaa,:Sham Na Indro Brihaspatih Sham No Vishnururukramah,:Namo Brahmane Namaste Vaayo Tvameva Pratyaksham, :Brahmaasi Tvaameva Pratyaksham Brahma Vadishyaami,
Rtam Vadishyaami Satyam Vadishyaami,:Tanmaamavatu Tadvaktaaramavatu Avatu Maam Avatu Vaktaaram,:Om Shantih Shantih Shantih"
Meaning: This Mantra implies: "OM. May Mitra do good to us, may Varuna do good to us, may Aryama do good to us, may Indra do good to us, may Brihaspati do good to us, and may Vishnu who has vast coverage do good to us. We Salute Lord Brahma and Lord Vayu, the only visible Brahman. We say right, we say truth, may it protect us and may it protect teacher. OM Peace, Peace and Peace"
"Om Sahanaa Vavatu Sahanau Bhunaktu:Saha Veeryam Karavaavahai
Tejasvi Naavadheetamastu Maa Vidvishaavahai:Om Shantih Shantih Shantih"
Meaning: The literal meaning of this mantra is: "OM. Let all of us protect each other together, may all of us enjoy together, may all of us work together and let our study become radiant. Let there be no hatred between us, OM Peace, Peace, Peace"
"Om Aapyaayantu Mamaangaani VaakPraanashchakshuh Shrotramatho
Balamindriyaani Cha Sarvaani Sarvam Brahmopanishadam:Maaham Brahma Niraakuryaam Maa Maa Brahma Niraakarod:Niraakaranamastva Niraakaranam Me Astu:Tadaatmani Nirate Ya Upanishatsu Dharmaaste:Mayi Santu Te Mayi Santu:Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih"
Meaning: The Mantra implies: "OM. May our organs, speech, Prana, eyes and ears be nourished. May all our senses become strong. Upanishad says all that the World is Brahman. We don't reject Brahman, may Brahma not reject me. Let there be no rejection, let there be no rejection at all in us, let us concentrate on ourselves, all those ways of righteous living told in Upanishads be in us! Be in us, OM Peace, Peace and Peace".
"Om Vaang Me Manasi Pratishthitaa:Mano Me Vaachi Pratishthitam
Aaveeraaveerma Edhi Vedasya Ma Aanisthah:Shrutam Me Maa Prahaaseer Anenaadheetena:Ahoraatraan Samdadhaami Ritam Vadishyaami:Satyam Vadishyaami Tanmaamavatu Tadvaktaaramavatu:Avatu Maam Avatu Vaktaaram Avatu Vaktaaram:Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih"
Meaning: The accurate meaning of this mantra is: "OM. Let our speech be established in our mind, and our mind be established in our speech. Let Brahman reveal itself to us and may we understand the truths of the Vedas. Let not what we have studied leave us. Let all of us spend both day and night in study. We say right, we say truth and may it protect us. May truth protect teacher. OM Peace, Peace, Peace".
"Om Bhadram Karnebhih Shrunuyaama Devaah:Bhadram Pashyemaakshabhiryajatraah:Sthirairangaistushtuvaamsastanoobhih
Vyashema Devahitam Yadaayuh:Swasti Na Indro Vridhashravaah
Swasti Nah Pooshaa Vishwavedaah:Swasti Nastaarkshyo Arishtanemih
Swasti No Brihaspatir Dadhaatu:Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih"
Meaning: The literal meaning of this mantra is: "OM. O Gods! Let us hear promising things from our ears. O respectful Gods! Let us see propitious things from our eyes, let our organs and body be stable, healthy and strong. Let us do what is pleasing to gods in the life span allotted to us. May Indra, inscribed in the scriptures do well to us, May Pushan who is knower of world do good to us and May Trakshya who devastates enemies do good to us! May Brihaspati do well to us! OM Peace, Peace, Peace".
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