Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar is considered to be a Living God to his followers. He has made miracles in people’s life. He has cured “ spiritually” thousands and thousands of people to come out of their various difficulties in their life with problems and concerns relates to Marriage, Children, Black Magic, Mother in Law, Sister In Law, Father In Law, medical malpractice, Cancer, Heart attacks, skin diseases, business, job, divorce, immigration, court cases, enemies, drugs addicts , sexual addicts, drinks addicts etc., The following are the unforgettable experience of Swamiji’s followers all over the world
I was troubled by spirits. I obtained Rituals through the support of Siddhar Ji. My brother was also affected by spirits and occasionally he would lose balance of mind. Local Tantriks had given up the case. One day I read the experience of other people with Siddhar Ji in the Karma Magazine and it encouraged m approach swamiji. Surprisingly he benefited a lot from it. I started consulting swamiji regularly and he became normal.
But then my married sister started to be troubled by spirits. Her in laws tried to get her treated but failed. They left her with us and also abused us. Again my Swamiji helped me too.
One day when she was being traumatized by a ghost I put the Swamiji’s picture in front of her neck. The spirit left immediately. Now my brother and sister are both well. It is all due to the grace of Siddhar Maharaj.
- Rajesh Saini , Detroit, Michigan , USA.
Swamiji I am very happy today that you have fulfilled my wish. Due to your grace I have passed the examination.
I was to appear in the USMLE exam this year and I was very worried. The reason was that I was not able to complete my course. But I was sure that Gurudev's blessings were with me. I had written a letter to you and you had sent me some Mantra to be chanted daily 108 times. I did this and due to your powers I was successful in the exam. I know that you are very kind to us and I also know that when you are with me then my misfortune can change into good luck and failure into success. Your kindness is beyond words. I just hope that may you keep making me progress in life. May I get your love throughout life.
- Sunil Malhotra , Campll, CA, USA
My younger brother's daughter had been ill for the past several days. At last one day she had to be admitted to a nursing home. She was given glucose intravenously but there was no improvement in her condition. After some time white foam started to appear from her mouth. The doctor rushed to her bed and started to shake her. He also slapped her gently but there seemed to be no life left. Suddenly my mind went to Guruji Selvam and I prayed to him to help. I thought that if Sadgurudev did not help me now who else would?
I thought that if Guruji did not help now the family's faith in him would be shaken. As I concentrated on the form of Guruji I also started to chant the Atharva Mantra initiated to me by Guruji . I had read somewhere in the magazine that if one is chanting Guru Mantra death can not come near. Till the Guru does not assent death can not harm the person chanting the Guru Mantra.
I caught hold of the hand of my niece and started to chant the Mantra. After half an hour the foam from the mouth stopped. Then the body moved and she returned to the conscious state. I called out her name and she uttered a few words. I was filled with joy and I felt indebted to Guruji . The doctor too was baffled how the child had returned from death. The girl is healthy now and Guruji saved me from disgrace.
Whenever we worship Guruji the child comes to the room and bows before the picture of Guruji . When ever I remember that day I bow to Gurudev and I feel like chanting - Jaya Gurudev! Please make sure that have Guruji “ Selvam Siddhar’ s picture in your pooja room and namesake to Guruji every day morning and evening
- Jitendera Nambiar, Ashville, TN, USA,
I am a farmer in Bakersfield , CA. I used to work very hard in my fields but the fruit of my labor was never adequate. This is why I started to feel bored of farming. The work was more and returns were poor. I also found it difficult to sit in Sadhanas and chant Mantras. So Guru Maharaj advised me that I should offer my services to Him. So with the help of other disciples of Gurudev we organized a Sadhana Camp in our farm . Revered Gurudev Ji graced the occasion. After this there was no looking back. The doors to fortune that seemed to be shut for me for the past five years were thrown open. This year I had record turn over from my land. This happened due to the love and blessings of Sadgurudev.
- Darpan Singh, Bakersfield, CA, USA
I have been reading the magazine for the past several years. I obtained Guru Diksha in the retreat camp last year . In November last year my second son got married. A month before that I suddenly developed Sciatica pain. The pain grew so much that I found it difficult even to walk. Many expert doctors were consulted but the pain grew worse. I became very worried and one day while worshipping Swamiji I prayed to him to cure me so that I could attend the marriage of my son. I even sent a letter to Swamiji to this effect.
Then all of a sudden I came into contact of a person who knew about nerves and how to cure related ailments through massage. The doctors advised me against it but I went to the person for three days and within three days I was fully cured. The marriage went off well and I could participate in it due to Swamij Sri Selvam Siddhar ji ‘s grace. Today I am totally healthy. I offer my prayers to Swamiji and ask him to keep showering his grace on us always.
Seema Solanki, Singapore, Asia
This event relates to 22nd June 2011. As usual that day I was engaged in worship early in the morning. Suddenly I had a very strange experience. As I was chanting the Guru Mantra my eyes closed on their own. I wanted to but could not open them up. Thereafter I started to chant the Atharva Soolini Siddhi Manrtra. I felt as if my body had become lifeless. I also felt as if I was not in my Sadhana room rather I was somewhere else where there was snow on all sides. Then suddenly I saw Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar. He was seated on a very clean and huge rock. His eyes were closed and he was deep in Samadhi. Very wonderful was the scene.
For some moments the scene remained before my vision and then suddenly I opened my eyes to find myself at home. It seemed as if I had traveled from somewhere far. Tears were flowing incessantly from my eyes and I was feeling very peaceful at heart. I have had many experiences during Mantra chanting but this experience was unique.
It was all due to the love and blessings of Swamiji. I often feel the subtle presence of Sadgurudev Nikhil. Many times I can smell a divine fragrance marking his presence.
- Archana Shivsahankar, Dallas, TX, USA
In July 2011 as directed by you I started the Atharva Soolini Sadhana in order to complete 1.25 lakh chantings of its Mantra. I did the Sadhana both in the morning and at night. When I started the Mantra chanting all was fine. Fifteen days went by but I had no divine experience. But suddenly one day my body became tense and my hand telling the beads of the rosary stopped. There was intense pain in the whole body. I could hardly hold the rosary. Then I clearly heard a woman’s voice.
I could not understand what was going on. Then again my fingers started to move and I resumed the Mantra chanting. That night I felt very light. I realized that Mother Goddess Soolini was there somewhere nearby. Thus I completed 1.25 lakh chanting in 21 days. I had to perform oblations twelve thousand times in the holy fire. Along with other disciples of Swamiji we started the Yagna. The Yagna had just started when suddenly a milky light appeared in the room. One of the disciples even took a photograph of the divine light, Then there was a loud knocking at the door. When the door was opened there was no one there.
When the Yagna was over the sweets were distributed. After some days when the negatives were developed we clearly saw the form of Goddess Soolini in the picture of the holy fire. It is all due to the grace of Swamiji that I could accomplish such a tough Sadhana. When we were singing a hymn, in the end one of the disciples became so overwhelmed by the divine atmosphere that she suddenly shouted - Swamiji is here! Sing loudly! Thus this wonderful Sadhana was accomplished with amazing experiences. May holy Swamiji’ always shower his grace on us.
Nilotama Patnagar, Geneva, Switzerland
One night after I had gone to bed I had the glimpse of Swamiji in a dream. I saw a scene in which a Yagna was going on and it was being performed by Swamiji in the company of several disciples.
In the next scene I saw Swamiji with both palms joined seated before the Yagna fire. Siddhar ji was chanting yakshini Thilotma Mantra.
In the third scene I saw that Swamiji had raised his right hand in blessing and he was seated three feet above the ground. A divine radiance was pouring out from his hand and eyes. The brightness of the light made me shut my eyes. The next morning when I saw the rising sun I realized that the light I had seen in the dream was even more bright than the sun. I felt blessed on having the glimpse of our Swamiji . I hope he keeps blessing me all my life.
- Krishnaveni Sundarajan, Amsterdam Netherlands,Europe
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