nIlendIvarasannibhA~NgalatikAm pUrNendubimbAnanAm
shaMkhArIShusharAsapANikamalAm kaNThIravAdhyAsinIm |
kShAmakShobhavimochinIm shivasakhIm dhyAyenmahAshUlinIm ||
Sri Durga Saptashati is a hymn of limitless power which can grant both aihika and AmuShmika saukhya to the upAsaka. As per the sUtra kalu chaNDIvinAyakau, recitation of Sri Durga Saptashati is kShipra phalakAri in Kali Yuga. The following prayogas are listed here solely for lokopakAra, the same purpose with which Bhagavan AdinAtha has revealed these in the scriptures. As these fall under the category of kAmya prayogas, special care has to be taken when resorting to them and undertaking any of these is permitted only when specifically instructed by Sadguru. One who is duly initiated into navAkSharI mantra and performs vaidika and tAntrika nitya, naimittika karmas, such an upAsaka alone is eligible to perform these prayogas. However, without the Siddhi of navArNa mantra, the prayogas do not give results, as hinted by shrI bhAskararAya in his commentary, guptavatI. For kShipra siddhi of the mantra, i.e. mUla and mAlA in this case, one should understand well the anga vidyas. Skanda Yamala details dwAdasha angas for navAkShari, starting with bhuvaneshwari, till kAlikA. The RishyAdayaH for these are nandA, shAkambharI etc. and each of these represent one chapter of Saptashati. This further illustrates the close association of navArNa mantra with Saptashati and also of the anga vidyas. The diversification of AdyA into three, six, nine and twelve fold shakti samUha is described well in Saptashati, the significance and practical details of which are imparted during the krama dIkshA of shrIkula. The Angas for Saptashati itself are considered to be either six or twelve. Kavacha, Argala, Kilaka and Rahasya Traya form the six. With mAlA mantra, hR^idaya, dhvaja and sUkta traya added, the count becomes twelve. One of the two schemes is generally adopted based on Guru SampradAya.
All of the following prayogas should be preceded with the dasha nyAsas of navAkSharI, aShTottara sahasra japa of navArNa with purottarAnga mantras [dashAmsha] and a complete recitation of Saptashati with all the angas.
sAvarNiH sUryatanayo yo manuH kathyate.aShTamaH |
nishAmaya tadutpattiM vistarAdgadato mama ||
mahAmAyAnubhAvena yathA manvantarAdhipaH |
sa babhUva mahAbhAgaH sAvarNistanayo raveH ||
svArochiShe.antare pUrvaM chaitrava.nshasamudbhavaH |
suratho nAma rAjAbhUtsamaste kShitimaNDale ||
By reciting the above three mantras, one is blessed with progeny. One should perform the AvAhana of Parameshwari with santAna durgA mantra in a Kumbha filled with pancha gavya or salila and offer trimadhura as naivedya. The kumbha should be energized by reciting the mula mantra, santAna durgA mantra and the above three mantras 108 times. The water or pancha gavya should then be consumed by the lady desirous of attaining progeny. When this procedure is followed for pakSha traya, garbha doShas are cleared and conception becomes successful. Once the lady is pregnant, to protect the foetus, puruSha sUkta homa, recitation of harivamsha purANa and nAga pratiShTha are advised.
vishveshvarIM jagaddhAtrIM sthitisamhArakAriNIm |
nidrAM bhagavatIM viShNoratulAM tejasaH prabhuH ||
By reciting the above mantra, one is freed from diseases and apa mr^ityu. One should write mR^ita sanjIvini yantra on butter, recite the mantra and then eat the butter till the disease is cured. Based on the severity of the diseases, the rogi or his representative should recite the mantra 300, 1008 or 10,000 times everyday. Trimadhura should be offered to Parameshwari as Naivedya. As an alternate prayoga, a salila kumbha is placed in the centre of aShTadaLa padma and avAhana of parameshwari is done in the Kumbha as per navAksharI kalpa. The abhimantraNa of the water is done 108 times with mUla mantra, 108 times with mR^itasanjIvinI mantra [kAlikA para] and with the mantra vishveshwarIm 12 times. The water is then sprinkled on a child suffering with bAlagrahAdi doShas. This procedure is to be repeated for three evenings. The same water energized as above can be sprinkled during nights on those suffering with problems such as bed-wetting, svapna doSha, mala or mUtrotsarjana during sleep, bad dreams etc. The procedure is to be repeated for seven nights.
j~nAninAmapi chetAmsi devI bhagavatI hi sA |
balAdAkR^iShya mohAya mahAmAyA prayachchhati ||
tayA visR^ijyate vishvaM jagadetachcharAcharam |
saiShA prasannA varadA nR^iNAM bhavati muktaye ||
sA vidyA paramA mukterhetubhUtA sanAtanI |
samsArabandhahetushcha saiva sarveshvareshvarI ||
The above three mantras are recited before rAja darshana i.e. before visiting higher officials etc. for kArya siddhi. One should perform AvAhana of Parameshwari with Svayamvara Kalyani mantra in a dIpa or a bimba, worship with lotuses and offer 108 Ahutis with svayamvarA mantra using apArmarga samit [rough chaff]. The homa bhasma is mixed with gorochana and agaru and energized by reciting the above three mantras 108 times. When this tilaka is applied on the forehead, the higher officials co-operate with the upAsaka and act in his favor.
sAvarNiH sUryatanayo yo manuH kathyate.aShTamaH |
nishAmaya tadutpattiM vistarAdgadato mama ||
One should write vAgvAdinI yantra on butter, perform avAhana of Parameshwari with vAgvAdinI mantra and worship with trimadura naivedya. Then, the butter should be energized by reciting vAgvAdini, navArNa and the above mantras 108 times, followed by the complete recitation of the prathama adhyAya. The butter is then consumed before noon by the one desirous of obtaining speech, oratory skills, poetry, music etc. This process is to be repeated for 48 days. A re-ordered recitation of Saptashati is prescribed for those bothered by evil spirits. Such upAsakas should recite the chapters of Saptashati in the following order, while touching Bhasma. By wearing this Bhasma on the forehead, the evil spirits are destroyed.Instantaneously. The order of the chapters in this case would be: 1 to 10, 4, 11, 2, 3, 4, 11, 4 to 11, 4 to 11. Even incurable fevers are cured by reciting Saptashati in the following order of chapters: 1, 4, 11, 2 to 11, 5 to 10, 4, 11, 1 to 13. If this procedure is performed thrice for three Sandhyas, Siddhis are obtained by the upAsaka.Prayogas and Karmas based on Dina, Masa, Rashi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Rtu etc. .
kAmAkShi ki~nkaritasha~NkaramAnasebhyaH |
tebhyo namo.astu tava vIkShaNavibhramebhyaH ||
Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar is the most learned Atharva Veda scholar. He has researched the Atharva Veda and has brought out a lot of hidden things. He helps the human mankind to come out different problems in the life through Vedic Rituals. For more help please call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ Toll Free 1-888-808-1418.or in his cell phone # 408 829 7780 E mail:- avtemple@aol.com-. All your information and consultations with Guru Maharaj Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar will be highly confidential
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